welcome to another day...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thinking happy thoughts

This last weekend was pretty uneventful for the most part. Oliver has continued eating rice cereal in small amounts. He'll take down about 5 baby spoons worth and the rest ends up on his face, bib, hands and clothes. It's really funny. He's adorable. He'll be 4 months this Thursday and is currently 17 weeks old. Time flies by I swear. It's insane how big he is.

He spends a lot of time cooing and trying to talk. Baby talk is impossible not to smile at. You can't turn away, or try and not mimick it. It's just adorable. He's mastered "Hi!" it's a little long winded sometimes and jarrbled other times, but 9 times outta 10, it's a clear "hi!". He has also learned to grab things now. He will grab anything...any-thing. My poor hair, plugs and septum ring are beggin for this stage to end soon! I know I'm asking for the impossible, but it's worth a try!

The last couple of days he's also been "talking" to his puppy from grandma and Elmo from his Zippy(my mom, long story). He loves holding on to them and dropping them so I can pick them up over and over again. My silly boy is learning how I'd do anything for him...uh oh : )

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