welcome to another day...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Emergency Room

Today was spent drinking coffee, calling/yelling at Wachovia and Unemployment and in the emergency room. I thought I had a kidney infection and rushed myself to the ER. When I get UTI's I get no symptoms and I usually don't until it becomes serious. I left Ollie with Dave and took the bus down to Taylor hospital. Dave's so great with Ollie, he's like his dad, nanny, best friend, entertainer combined. I couldn't ask for a better co-parent, hubby, best friend. I hadn't pumped and had no milk saved so Ollie had to drink soy formula for the first time ever. This was also the first time he has formula since the 2nd week he was alive. He'll be 14 weeks on Sunday! I felt weird about it but I'd rather him have formula then starve! He was so good for Dave and when I got home I was greeted to a big slobbery, gummy, smile : ) I love my guys.

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